About a time for healing

About a time for healing
At this bridge has been decided several times during WW2 for a cease-fire to take care for the wounded. Anyone who has ever heard of the Hürtgen forest in the Eifel will usually associate it with WW2. Hürtgen Forest was nicknamed the “Meat Grinder or Death Factory“.
t the end of 1944, a heavy battle took place, along the Westwall (Siegfriedline) between the Allies (Americans) and the German army.
There were unbelievably great losses, mainly on the American side. More than 60,000 soldiers died as a result of gross errors of judgment, poor tactics and bitter resistance from the Germans.
Traces of the battle – old bunkers, munitions, trenches and tank tracks – are still visible even today.
Perhaps that is why this battle of the “Hürtgen forest” is less well known than the “Battle of Arnhem” or the “Ardennes Offensive“. This painful chapter would rather be forgotten.