Forgotten legends and myths

Forgotten legends and myths

In Euregio Meuse-Rhine, you can expect the unexpected. Be it in the tallest tower of an imposing castle, the darkest depths of a secluded forest, or just below the surface of a murky loch, it’s not unusual to experience something that just can’t be explained. Our folklore is peppered with accounts of peculiar events and uncanny, sometimes sinister tales, originating from long-forgotten times. Delve into our eeriest myths and legends and you’ll encounter stories of curious, other worldly beings and tormented ghouls and ghosts. But the question is, what do you believe? Visit the places where these events are said to have taken place, and decide for yourself! That is, of course, if you have the nerve…

Tricking the devil is not easy and the inhabitants of Aachen / Aix-la-Chapelle did it twice!

The legend of the Aachener Dom

One winter morning the devil stepped on the streets of Aachen in human form. When he looked around there was no soul to be seen.

He walked past the frozen meadows until he reached the market, where the first carts of the day were selling baked chestnuts, smoked meats and cheese. The devil paid the butcher to slice a piece of meat and asked whether he knew how to get employed around the city. Click here to read more…