Local products from Chaudfontaine (BE) to Pepinster (BE)

Local products from Chaudfontaine (BE) to Pepinster (BE)

A regional product is a product that comes from the same region as where it is sold. This usually concerns small-scale produced or cultivated products. Often these products also have a regional recipe or composition. In general, it is about food.
Possible reasons for choosing a regional product are:
• The characteristic features of the product (such as taste)
• Supporting local entrepreneurs and businesses
• Saving the environment (less transport and small-scale production)

Regional products can be found in specialist shops but also in many supermarkets, where they are increasingly being added to the range due to demand. Many retail chains offer entrepreneurs the space to add local products to the shelves on a limited scale. This can also be regarded as a form of corporate social responsibility.

The Chaudfontaine Waters flow out of the ground with a natural temperature of 37 degrees, after a unique journey for more than 60 years along filtering and protective rocks at almost 1600 meters depth. This specificity gives these waters a mineral value and a unique quality.
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Vineyard Septem Triones
The Septem Triones vineyard is located in the northern region, it is managed organically, according to planetary and stellar rhythms, its name becomes obvious .
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