Must-read books

Must-read books

You can still escape with help of a good book.

Literature inspires – both fictional and fact-based – has long drawn walkers & hikers. Take the time to lose yourself between the pages of these remarkable stories sometimes set in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and envision a time when you too will be free to walk & hike through this endlessly beautiful territory, collecting your own stories along the way.

We constantly collect fantastic books you can read in advance to pass the time, spanning everything from evocative travelogues to best-selling thrillers and much-loved classics. Read and enjoy:

The world of yesterday

Austrian writer Stefan Zweig’s final work, posted to his publisher the day before his tragic death, brings the destruction of a war-torn Europe vividly to rise.

Heart of Europe

“Ambitious…seeks to rehabilitate the Holy Roman Empire’s reputation by re-examining its place within the larger sweep of European history…”


When Charlemagne died in 814 CE, he left behind a dominion and a legacy unlike anything seen in Western Europe since the fall of Rome.

The old ways

Following the tracks and sea paths that form part of a vast ancient network of routes criss-crossing the British Isles, Robert Macfarlane discovers a lost world

The Salt Path

Just days after Raynor learns that Moth, her husband of 32 years, is terminally ill, their home is taken away and they lose their livelihood.

Walks in the wild

In his charming new book, bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees Peter Wohlleben takes you on a journey of discovery.

Battle of the Huertgen Forest

In September 1944, three months after the invasion of Normandy, the Allied armies prepared to push the German forces back into their homeland.

Battle of the Bulge

Snow and Steel will be a huge reassessment of Hitler’s last great throw of the dice, the battle for the Ardennes 16 December 1944 to 25 January 1945.

A history of Liège

For centuries, Liège has been invested with many virtues (“fiery”, rebel, resistant, but also warm and broad-minded) linked to its captivating and turbulent history.