Sites connected to Carolus Magnus / Charlemagne

Sites connected to Carolus Magnus / Charlemagne

In lot of stages of the Modern Grand Tour trail in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine you can find sites connected with Carolus Magnus / Charlemagne. From ruins to city monuments, this famous emperor left a fantastic legacy. You will look at some of the famous places associated with Carolus Magnus and the stories behind them.

Who was Carolus Magnus?

Carolus Magnus / Charlemagne was born in Aachen around 747. It will come as no surprise that there are many amazing locations connected with this men. Carolus was an incredibly productive person, despite suffering personal tragedy in his life. But despite these things, those who knew him admired his warmth and compassion. Below are just some sites associated with Carolus Magnus / Charlemagnes life and work. It’s probably fair to say that in most parts of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine you can find traces of his influence!

Emmaburg/Eyneburg at Calamine/Kelmis (BEL)

Located on the banks of the stream the Geulle at the Belgium borders.

Eyneburg Castle in Hergenrath is one of the most important historic buildings on the territory of the German-speaking community of Belgium. The name Eyneburg refers to the first owners of the castle, the von Eyneberghe family. Between the locals it also bears the name Emmaburg, which is based on a legend.
The legend goes like this: Emma, the daughter of Charlemagne, was not allowed by her father to make contact with men and certainly not with courtiers. However, fate had it that Emma fell in love with Einhard, who was a writer at the court of Charlemagne. One night, the two lovers secretly met on the Eyneburg. However, after their meeting, it turned out that snow had fallen. In order not to betray her beloved, Emma carried her beloved on her back into the palace in Aachen. Unfortunately the two lovebirds were caught by Emperor Charles who could not sleep because of his rheumatism. However, he decided not to punish them, but after they got married, he gave them the Eyneburg Castle. The legend is sculpted on the well in the courtyard, where a woman can be seen carrying a man on her back.

The Throne of Carolus Magnus or Charlemagne (DE)

This throne is erected in the 790s, as one of the fittings of the palatine chapel in Aachen (today’s Aachen Cathedral) and placed in the Octagon of the church. Until 1531, it served as the coronation throne of the Kings of Germany, being used at a total of thirty-one coronations.
Charlemagne has been called the “Father of Europe” (Pater Europae), as he united most of Western Europe for the first time since the classical era of the Roman Empire and united parts of Europe that had never been under Frankish or Roman rule.being used at a total of thirty-one coronations.