Practising sustainable & responsible tourism

Practising sustainable & responsible tourism

Responsible travel and tourism can mean lots of different things to different people. But what we all definitely share is a desire to keep the Euregio Meuse-Rhine as beautiful as ever, for now and for future generations.

Read on to find out about what responsible travel means to the Euregio Meuse-Rhine and how you can plan and enjoy a responsible trip, give back to local communities, look after the Euregio Meuse-Rhine landscapes and make lasting eco-friendly choices. And lucky for you, you won’t miss out on anything in the process!

How do I walk responsable

Support local communities

Respect the landscape

Leave only footprints

What is sustainable or responsible walking?

Sustainable tourism is a way of holidaying to different parts of the world in an eco, green and environmentally friendly way. Responsible tourism is about considering the wider impact your trip could have on the country you’re visiting, and the world. Responsible travel and tourism is important regardless of which country you decide to visit.
Travelling responsibly can help:

  • protect the landscape
  • boost the local economy
  • create more money for funding new and innovative projects

Your holiday in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine can have a positive impact on the landscapes and communities, just through a few simple choices. There are also ways you can offset your travel, and make your trip more sustainable and eco-conscious.

A guide to outdoor safety

Outdoor access code

Plan your own responsible walk

You can start planning an eco-friendly break with the wealth of inspiring ideas, guides and practical information on our site. From cycling tips to in-depth itineraries; eco-accommodation to wild camping; discover all the ways you can have a sustainable holiday in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.

Reasons to walk off-season

Ways & exploraration sustainably

Ways businesses are sustainable

Easy trips by public transport



When it comes to celebrations, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine has a lot of events and festivals.

Eco accommodation

Wild camping

How to become an eco walker

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Holidays & Breaks