Stage 11. Wintershoven (BE) to Tongeren (BE)

Stage 11. Wintershoven (BE) to Tongeren (BE)

The Roman presence is apparent from the fact that the main road to Tongeren goes through the territory of what later became Wintershoven in a southerly direction. Roman roof tiles, potsherds and flints were used for the Sint-Pietersbandenkerk in Wintershoven, read more

Tongeren is the first and oldest town in Belgium.
The most famous inhabitant of Tongeren is undoubtedly Ambiorix. This Eburone king inflicted such a devastating defeat upon the occupying Romans that Julius Caesar called the Belgians the bravest of all, read more

Trail map and stats:

Start:Wintershoven (BE)
Coordinates (DD):50.851600 / 5.419116
End:Tongeren (BE)
Coordinates (DD):50.769079 / 5.487917
Distance:17,6 kilometers
Ascent:93 kilometers
Descent:40 meters
Elevation map:
Path, dirt road, nature trail:86%
Asphalt. road:14%
Pdf route map:Go for download to page here
Gpx track:Go for download to page here
KML file:Go for download to page here
  • Pdf files are excellent for viewing.
  • Gpx tracks can be uploaded to many devices, so you always know the direction to follow or your position.
  • KML files can be uploaded in Google Earth. As result you get a detailed satellite view. You can even follow a videotour, which is a linear walk-through the stage.

Some highlights:

Ambiorix was forgotten until the 19th century. When Belgium became independent in 1830, the Belgian government decided to dig into the national past for historical figures who could serve as national heroes. In Caesar’s reports of the Gallic Wars; “De Bello Gallico” they came across Ambiorix and his deeds. The poet Joannes Nolet de Brauwere van Steeland drew also attention to this Ambiorix with a lyrical epic. On September 5, 1866, a statue of Ambiorix was erected on the Grote Markt in Tongeren. There is no certainty whether he has ever been to Tongeren.

Specific info:

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