Stage 19. Teuven (BE) to Calamine / Kelmis (BE)

Stage 19. Teuven (BE) to Calamine / Kelmis (BE)

Teuven is a church village in the Belgian province of Limburg in the Tongeren district. When Belgium became independent, geographer Philippe Vandermaelen made an inventory of 50 houses in the center of this village, a church, a town hall, a mill, two castles, a brewery and a primary school, read more…

Kelmis (La Calamine) is located at the frontier between Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands. It’s the northernmost town in the German-speaking community of Belgium and is grown around the Altenberg zinc mine, read more…

Overview map and stats:

Start:Teuven (BE)
Coordinates (DD):50.751664 / 5.875671
End:Calamine / Kelmis (BE)
Coordinates (DD):50.715938 / 6.013369
Distance:19,9 kilometers
Ascent:312 meters
Descent:279 meters
Elevation map:
Path, dirt road, nature trail:56%
Asphalt, road:44%
Pdf route map:Go for download to page here
Gpx track:Go for download to page here
KML file:Go for download to page here
  • Pdf files are excellent for viewing.
  • Gpx tracks can be uploaded to many devices, so know the direction to follow or your position.
  • KML files can be uploaded in Google Earth. As result you get a detailed satellite view. You can even follow a videotour, which is a linear walk-through the stage.

Some highlights:

Neutral Moresnet, officially. The undivided area of ​​Moresnet was a neutral area from 1816 to 1920 of ​​barely 344 hectares, which belonged to both the the Netherlands and to Prussia. The area, in the shape of an obtuse triangle was south of the Vaalserberg and extended to the main road from Aachen to Liège, read more…

Specific local info:

Sleep suggestions:

Interesting websites: