The Modern Grand Tour walking & hiking trail

The beginning of this long distance trail!

The Modern Grand Tour walking & hiking trail is as you can see above situated in the heart of the Euregio Meuse-Rhine, between the cities Maastricht (NL), Genk (BE), Hasselt (BE), Liège (BE), Eupen (BE) and Aix-La-Chapelle (DE).
With its 3 languages ​​and 5 partner regions, the Euregio Meuse-Rhine is the most versatile and complex Euregio, but these regions are not at all as different as it might seem at first glance. Of course there are state and language borders, but historically, culturally and economically they are more related, as you will discover.

Whith stringing my walking adventures
into this long distance trail I like to contribute and broaden the idea that walking & hiking this Modern Grand Tour (MGT) trail in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine is essential to give a person’s view and character a better finishing touch. Like in the old days when travelling was also meant to broaden their horizons providing social polish, awareness and exposure to other cultures.

In the same time I would like to support the thoughts and dreams of the famous ancient Austrian writer Stefan Zweig! He wrote in “Appeal to Europeans of today and tomorrow” that the European ideal is nurtured day in and day out by human relationships, which exceed the national borders, through the sharing of culture and knowledge.
Stefan Zweig meant when people from different countries get to know each other’s histories, languages and cultures, mistrust can give way to understanding and Europe can feel like a second home. But if we only learn about history through the study of wars and conflicts, it can drive us apart. Just dreaming and discussing won’t get us there, he realized. So start walking & hiking this trail and a year from now, you will wish you had started today!

Map and stats:

Total distance:919 kilometers
Total ascent:12.473 meters
Highest point:699 meters at Signal de Botrange (BE)
Lowest point:23 meters at the banks of the river Meuse (NL)
Elevation map of stage 1 till stage 44: 
Trail:In 44 stages
Average stage distance:20,9 kilometers
Natural trail, path and dirt road:82,2%
Asphalt and road:17,8%
UNESCO heritage sites:12



Europe’s industrial heritage: