The Modern Grand Tour has walking & hiking stages!

The Modern Grand Tour trail has walking & hiking stages!
A walking stage is usually surfaced with asphalt, gravel, cobblestones, earth, mud or sand. It may even be just a grassy path, but it will be better taken care of and is relatively easy to walk on. Such a path will be free from hurdles such as ditches, loose soil or waterways. The paths are more or less level in that the starting and end points will not differ much in elevation.
In comparison the hiking stages take you deeper into nature and can be more exciting. They will take you along wild paths where you will probarly encounter less people. These trails almost always involve a climb from a lower point to a higher one. Due to this, the hiking stages can be more difficult to conquer and you can cross streams or even climb a hill.
You will need proper gear to do all this. Proper hiking shoes, a store of food and water, and perhaps even camping equipment. It involves a lot more planning and investment. Overall, you will be spending a lot more time and effort on a hiking stage. And generally it is more tasking both physically and mentally, but can be very rewarding.
Walking and hiking are both awesome ways to get into nature, exercise and strip off all the stress.
Hiking offers more in terms of getting in touch in touch with nature. You leave civilization behind and really bath in nature. It is also can be more intense, meaning you burn more calories. However it requires a bit of gear and preparation.
Always make sure you have everything you need for the Modern Grand Tour trail. Nothing beats an adventurous walk or hike!